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Why does this subreddit love PolkaDot so much?

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by COINS NEWS 127 Views

Every time I mentioned something bad about it, I had an army of people jump on me, telling me how I only hate it because I don't understand it. And you know what. You're right. I don't understand it.

One does not become a Validator there just like that. In fact, I hate the fact that only the very rich ones can become that. So if you're a shrimp, fuck you. Not only irl now, but also on a very complicated for nothing blockchain (yes, I used the word blockchain for DOT).

But that's not all. There's a council! Of maximum 24 elected people. Why not bring some pseudo politics into an already over complicated situation for nothing. Polkadot claims that anyone can propose anything for the Polkadot network. If it passes with a majority council member vote, well it gets implemented. But don't you hurry, my shrimps. Unless you wanna lose all your hard earned DOT. Anyone who wants to submit a proposal must put a few hundred DOTs as a bond. Others can join in to vote with their DOT. If the proposal fails to pass, the treasury will confiscate all the DOTs who voted β€œYes.” Yes, on PolkaDot you pay to vote. If your proposal passes the council committee, it will go to the technical committee. If the technical committee decides your proposal is harmful to the Polkadot, they can cancel it. The treasury will confiscate your DOT. Even if your proposal gets most of the votes, any council member can veto it. Therefor killing your proposal, and you will lose all of your staked DOT.


The parachain auctions were a complete failure imho, flooding the market with useless shitcoin that lost 90-95% value at least. But unlike other projects, I'm sure the likes of Moonbeam aren't coming back.

And dont even get me started on that insane inflation.

But somehow it's as if DOT is one project everyone believes in because it does so many things and looks so complicated, so it must be good!

For real, why do you like it? Why would you even hold DOT?

submitted by /u/already_night
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