News about Eth

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

As a Bitcoin holder, Eth makes complete sense to me.

I don’t understand why I continue to see Bitcoin holders try and bash Eth, saying it’s a shitcoin/alt coin and will never replace Bitcoin (as if replacing Bitcoin is even possible at this point. It isn’t). I also don’t understand why I see Eth inves...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Ethereum Foundation Unicorns

Starting from around March 2016, if you donated 2.14 ETH or more to the Ethereum Foundation Tip Jar you received a Unicorn ERC721 token. There are only 2,701 Unicorns in existence and only 361 holders. Unicorns are a very rare piece of early Ethereum...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Best Ethereum conference?

I see a lot of people going to the Bitcoin conference to talk crypto generally. I've heard of devcon... what is the best Ethereum centric conference that I should put on my calendar? submitted by /u/neocybersonic [link] [com...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Anyone Else Receiving Eth Randomly?

Received random eth from this address As you can see, they're tossing massive amounts to tens of thousands of addresses, and it's not dusting afaik. If anyone has any inf...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Eth Gas Station estimates reliable?

So I was just taking a look at and currently, they are saying that they recommend a gas price of 17 gwei for traders. Yet also display that the average gas cost on Uniswap is over 100 and similarly for basically all other...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Ethereum Tx Cost?

When I transferred ETH and other ERC20 tokens to my Ledger there were obv some transaction fees. So I noticed through that when transferring ERC20 tokens, my transaction was charged in ETH, not the native ERC20 token -- so I added up all...