
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Predict your own Crypto-future by opening one spoiler.

This post knows exactly as much as all the other posts on here how the future for Crypto will develope. You will...: sell at the next dip. Going full on Buy high/Sell low. make a new coin and get rich. Be really Rich. lose your seed. Buy a Yacht. Gon...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

I'm officially a half coiner!

I can't share this with anyone I know so I share it with you guys. I was stacking sats since December and during this fall I had diamond hands and bought the dip right after Elon's tweet and now I finally have more than 0.5 BTC. Planning to...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Redbull racing partners Tezos

Red Bull Racing Honda today confirms a new multi-year technical partnership with Tezos, the world’s most advanced blockchain, as the Team’s Official Blockchain Partner. The energy efficient blockchain Tezos has been selected by the Team to build its...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

This is my first time buying and hodling through a dip.

I was once a very paper handed bitch, but life and this sub have taught me a lot over the last few years. I was starting at a loss of about $8k this morning but instead of freaking out like the loser I use to be, I decided to buy. I had enough in re...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Thoughts from an old school cypherpunk...

So I'm a long time crypto hodlr. Old school cypherpunk that's been acquiring crypto since 2011. Faucets originally, Mining something since 2012, spent, given away, bought and sold a lot along the way. I almost logged in to my old reddit accou...